Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Catching Up On Blog Awards (And a Little Bit of Audience Participation)

I am WAY behind on posting about recent blog awards.  This is my effort to catch up.  I really appreciate each of you thinking of me and my blog.  It really means the world to me, and I feel honored to be acknowledged.  If you don't feel like reading through all of this, scroll to the bottom to find out where you come in (that is that audience participation part). 

First up, is the Tell Me About Yourself Award, from Unique Moroccan Girl.  She has a really great blog all about fashion and beauty, plus she lives in Morocco (how cool is that?).  Thank you, Ingie!

Here are the rules:
- Say thank you with a post linking
- Write 7 things about yourself
- Present the award to 15 3 other blogs
- Inform them about it

I am passing this award on to:
Kristina from Beancakes


This next award was given to me by Trice over at High Heels and Good Meals.  In a word, she is fabulous.  Check out her blog for both fashion and food inspiration. Thanks again, Trice! 

The Liebster blog award is given to amazing bloggers with less than 200 followers (I hope to get there very soon!) to get them exposure and allow them to make more connections! Thanks again!!!  Now all I have to do is pick 5 3 fabulous bloggers to give the award to.

Award recipients must remember to:
1. Show your appreciation to your award giver by linking back to them.
2. Comment on the blogs that you have chosen, so they are aware of the award you have given them.
3.And finally proudly post the award to your blog!

I am passing this award on to:
Kristina  at Pretty Rambles
Lindsey at Project Jarrett


Last (but not least), The Versatile Blogger Award was given to me by Kristina over at Pretty Rambles.  Her outstanding lifefstyle blog has a great mixture of topics, plus she is getting married soon and hosting her first giveaway (and you don't want to miss that).  Thank you, Kristina, for this award!

Rules for Winning:
{one} Thank the person(s) who gave you the award and link back to them
{two} Share Seven Things About Yourself:
{three} Pass the award on to Fifteen three blogs of your choosing
{four} Inform these lovely ladies that they received the VBA!

I am passing this award on to:
Suze from Suze Blog

And now time for a little audience participation
I know what you are probably thinking by now..."Erin, you forgot to list 7 random facts about yourself, twice."  The thing is, I think I am out of cool, random, remotely interesting blurbs that I can share with you.  That is where you come in.  You post a question for me (no matter how random) in the comments below, and I will answer.  Probably.  

Want to know what my favorite circus animals is?  Have I ever taken a class on white water canoeing?  Do I understand the basic rules for playing rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock?  What is my favorite color?  What is my major beef with Prii?  Did I have to look up the plural for Prius or am I just that smart?  You know, all burning questions you have for me.

The ball is in your court.  Comment away below, and if I get enough actual questions I will even dedicate a blog post to answering them.  That means all of the other posters that are asking questions are depending on you to ask enough questions so that they can publicly get their questions answered.  Not that there is any pressure or anything.  Ready, set....go!     


Carly said...

Thank you lovely! I've been abit slow on the blog front lately, so I need to get on that this week!
My question would be, where is your favourite holiday destination, and where would you most like to travel to if you could? :)

shopgirl said...

Congratulations Erin! How cool to have so many awards!

What's your favourite comfort food?


colleen said...

how did you decide that you wanted to get a pug?

Elle Sees said...

What's the best memory you have?

Unknown said...

Congrats on all the awards!

If you could have any super power what would it be?

Jess said...

Look at you fancy pants with all the awards!! Yay you!

Would you rather never again be able to drive yourself anywhere or always have to drive 5 miles under the speed limit?

Bravoe Runway said...

Congratulations on all of the awards! Hmmm what would I like to ask you... What is your favorite dessert?

Suze said...

Nicely done, award-winning blogger! (And thanks for the VBA!)

So what I wanna know is... if you had to choose a fruit to represent you, what fruit would you choose and why?

Also, if you were stuck on a desert island, what three books would you want with you?

What a fun idea! :)

Tina L. Hook said...

Thanks a million on the award! I am honored.

I hope to catch up on these soon.

Jamie said...

Thanks m'dear! You know I appreciate it and you so very much!!! I'll be sure to link back in my post!

Suz said...

Congrats you deserve them!

Bonnie said...

Check you out with all of the awards!! Congrats, girl.

Twitter: @GlamKitten88

Gertrude said...

Congrats! Which countries have you visited, and where do you plan to go next? :) x

Lindsey said...

Congrats on all the awards! Very much deserved!

Thank you for passing an award on to me. This will be my first award :).

Punctuation Mark said...

congrats on all the awards... you definitely deserve them!

Stephanie said...

I LOVE this idea!! I can't wait to see what randomness you get to answer. :)

When you were little, what did you want to grow up to be?

Anonymous said...

thank you erin!!! you are too kind!! and congratulations on ALL of your awards ~ wow!! ;) ;)
xoxo ~ kristina

Erin said...

Amazing! Congrats Miss Erin! My question is, besides Erin (the best name ever), if you had to rename yourself, what would your name be?


Erin @ http://www.trufflesnruffles.com/

ShinyPrettyThings said...

awwww yayyy on all the awards dear!! u def deserve them. your blog is great!!!

uhhh my random question: what is your favorite ice cream flavor?? :D

Magdalena said...

Congrats on your awards, honey!!!You totally deserve them!!


High Heels & Good Meals! said...

Congrats girlie! You deserve them all. Your blog is lots of fun! We can totally be blogger bffs....even though youre a GATOR.

Chelsea said...

Well bless your little heart.

Thanks, Erin.

And congrats on receiving like, ten thousand awards! You go, girl.

As for questions:

What is your most embarrassing moment?

Such a generic question, but I love these.

I'm Erin

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Hi, I'm Erin. I am living back on the east coast after 15 years out west. Currently readjusting to humidity and mosquitos. I love to take pictures and read fashion magazines.... and to talk about nothing in particular (ok, and my dogs).

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