Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My Life Lately (in Pictures)

I have a mish mosh of pictures to share with you from the past few weeks.  These are all things that are currently making me happy.  

Cupcakes from Icing of the Cupcake (a must try in you are ever in the Sacramento area).

Harriet and Tuna saying goodbye to their pool for the winter.

Don't forget about Meatball.

Garden gnomes from my local hardware store.  Very Sons of Anarchy.

A hobby that husband and I do together, spending time at the shooting range.  Not something I was sure about sharing on my blog, but it is a part of my life (and I don't really want to keep secrets from you guys).

A bocce outing we had at work at this fun place.  Have you ever played?  If not, I highly recommend giving it a try.  No actual athletic ability is required, and you will laugh a lot.

The biggest, most pregnant preying mantis I have ever seen.  She was hanging out on the giant plastic pumpkin I had outside of my front door.

A fantastic pic of the Trasnamerica Pyramid that I took while sitting in city traffic.

My new favorite nail combination: Essie's Power Clutch with a topcoat of  OPI for Sephora 's Flurry Up.

A little bone chewing before bed time.

An unexpected package of goodies from Berlin and the UK.  I have the greatest friends.

A final pepper harvest for the fall.  Pictured: Inferno peppers, Thai peppers, pimento peppers, chocolate bells, serranos, hot fish peppers, Scotch bonnets, scorpion peppers, hot lemon peppers, and jalapeños.

The fire maple tree across the street. I love the changing of the leaves that comes with the chillier temperatures.

What are you loving about your life this week?


colleen said...

i am loving coffee (it's that kind of week). those cupcake looks amaaaaazing.

Unknown said...

Your dogs are so cute :)

melissa said...

those gnomes are redonk. i wanna buy one.

right now i'm loving my coffee since it's early and i didn't get much sleep last night.


Kristina said...

Haha, those leather gnomes are hysterical! The dogs are as cute as ever! I had my share of a delicious cupcake too. Chocolate Tangerine was so yummo. Thats what I'm loving this week :)

Joanna said...

Great pics! So random but I like it. That's so crazy you saw the pregnant preying manits. That has to be good luck or something. And those gnomes, hilarious!

The Blonde Duck said...

Kudos to you for shooting! Ben loves to go shooting and I go with him, but I'm dreadful at it. Handguns I'm decent at, but rifles and shotguns? HA!

I'm sad for the puppies loss of the pool, as well.

joanne hegarty said...

Great pics Erin - what a mix of things you have to help sum up your life ..
Hmm .. my favourite thing this week is bikram yoga, a trip to the theatre and wooly scarves.


Stephanie said...

I love all of these. Esp the pregnant preying mantis - I've never seen a preggers one before!

Elisa @ Crazy, Amazing Life said...

Oh my goodness, the garden gnomes just killed me!

Cupcakes and doggies are a great recipe for a happy weekend :-)

alicia said...

those cupcakes look TOO good!

shopgirl said...

your friends sound lovely Erin and it was fun getting to see your life lately in pictures. love the cupcakes, doggie pictures and I've always wanted to go to a shooting range :-).

p.s. the shot of the pregnant praying mantis is very cool.


I'm Erin

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Hi, I'm Erin. I am living back on the east coast after 15 years out west. Currently readjusting to humidity and mosquitos. I love to take pictures and read fashion magazines.... and to talk about nothing in particular (ok, and my dogs).

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