Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Guest Post: Julie from Balancing Mama with Blogging Tips from an Advertising Professional

Hello, everyone!  Today, I am so pleased to have Julie from Balancing Mama (formerly  here to discuss some common mistakes bloggers make.  She is an advertising professional who has been featured on (which means she knows her stuff). She is also mom to 3 1/2 year old Amelia and has been blogging since January 2010.  Her blog is about life, parenthood, childhood, and whatever else may strikes her fancy. She is a real-life imperfect working mama continuing to pursue a career in advertising, media, and the digital world.  I adore her (and her blog).

 I'll be back soon (promise), but in the meantime, I have some great guest posts lined up for you, about a variety of interesting topics. Stuff I know nothing about (I even learned a few things).  Stick around, and you might discover a new favorite blog:)  Please, don't be too shy to comment.  Guest bloggers (and absentee blog owners) love comments!

So You Think You Can Blog?
Here’s a tip. Try not to be one of these:

The Dollar Sign blogger. This person blogs simply to rake in the cash. This blogger works desperately to grow readership numbers. This blogger places an extraordinarily high value on their little piece of the Internet. This blogger does not realize they are one of millions. This blogger cannot imagine why big-name brands would pass up a chance for a little tiny button ad on their site. (Ooh, or a text link!)  

The C-Student blogger. This blogger nurtures their website… but they do not know how to spell. This blogger does not know much about grammar. This blogger does not realize how annoying it is to read something so very poorly written.

The Desperate blogger. This blogger cannot be bothered to support anyone else. This blogger wants numbers. Ever-increasing numbers. This blogger jumps into every blog hop they can find. This blogger may take a moment of their precious time to comment on other blogs… but all they can say is “follow me back!”.
Now, don’t get me wrong. Some bloggers are quite successful entrepreneurs. They have a niche. They have built a brand. They interact with readers.

The “pros” make a good product first. They use spell check. They write well. They find an identifiable voice. The readers follow.

The “pros” build their personal brand and extend their blog voice through all social media platforms. The readers know and trust them.

And the advertisers? Find the bloggers eventually.

The “pros” receive offers because they have built a solid following. Readers who come back time and time again. Readers who truly value what they have to say.

The “pros” WORK at this. Blogging is a far cry from a get-rich-quick scheme. It takes an insane amount of time. Many other jobs would pay more, but the best bloggers truly love blogging.

So you think YOU can blog? Great! You too can build your own little haven within the infinite digital world. But be real. Blog because you love it and you’ll never go wrong.

- - -

Julie, aka BalancingMama, is a real-life advertising professional, blogger, wife, and mom to an adventurous little princess. She blogs at and tweets as @BalancingMama. Check out her ”Understanding Google Analytics” posts on Eli Rose HERE and HERE.


Pratishtha Durga said...

Couldn't agree more! I know some bloggers who do not accept advertising, post only what they truly want to, and are wonderful writers as well.

Erin said...

What an enlightened, inspiring post! This is absolutely true and sadly, I think we have all been one or another of these at one point in our journey.


Erin @

Gawgus things... said...

I did a post similar to this a couple of weeks ago because I was so fed up of getting 'follow me' comments! I don't think newbies realise sometimes how hard these pro bloggers have worked at their blog and that it's not just all about followers!!! xx

Gertrude said...

Totally agree!

Lorena said...

Indeed... blog because YOU love doing it and it means something to you, You could not have said it better !

Anonymous said...

thank you julie for all your wonderful blogging tips!! i agree that one must have fun and just love doing it, that's the most important thing i believe as well ;) ;)
thanks to you and erin!!
xx ~ kristina

Anna said...

Thank you for these great tips! As I read through your post I couldn't help but think about how I was a mix of these at some point in my blogging. Now almost 7 months later I know I'm in this because it works for me :)

Suz said...

Great guest post!

alicia said...

great tips! definitely agree.

Bravoe Runway said...

Hi Erin! Thank you for introducing us to Julie. She provided some excellent tips and the categories of bloggers. I agree with her, focus on your content, good content gets you readership on a consistent basis which will in turn result in sponsorships.

I'm Erin

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Hi, I'm Erin. I am living back on the east coast after 15 years out west. Currently readjusting to humidity and mosquitos. I love to take pictures and read fashion magazines.... and to talk about nothing in particular (ok, and my dogs).

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