Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Happier at Home: 21 Day Relationship Challenge (Days 16-21)

Here is a recap of days 16 through 21 of Gretchen Rubin's 21 Day Relationship Challenge.  See here here, and here for previous weeks.  I know some of you are also doing this challenge (and even if you are not) I would love to hear your thoughts on this last group of resolutions.  I have definitely learned a lot about myself and how my thoughts and actions affect my relationships.  I look back over the list frequently for little reminders.

Day 16- Respond to the Spirit of a Gift:  Before I read this resolution, I hadn't ever really given much thought to the real spirit behind gifts I had received.  This does not mean that I was not appreciative of the thought.  However, when someone gifted me with a white table cloth, I fretted over how I could actually use it and keep it clean, instead of the actual spirit of the gift (which was to beautify our table for family get-togethers).  I was missing the point, and I am now seeing this in a different light.

Day 17- Jump:  For times when you are feeling less than energetic, Gretchen suggests jumping around a bit for an instant energy boost.  I have to admit, this one was a bit weird (but I tried it, and it was effective).  It works well when you are feeling annoyed or frustrated at work and need an outlet.

Day 18- Embrace Good Smells:  This is a resolution I can really get behind!  I am a scented candle adorer, Bath and Body Works junkie, and lover or fresh cleaned laundry.  Scents are closely associated with memories (good and bad), and hold special meanings for each of us.  The smell of my husband's cologne or freesia cut from my garden brings about good feelings and happy memories for me.  I try to keep my house full of smells that make me smile.

Day 19- Beware of Unconscious Overclaiming:  According to Gretchen, "Studies showed that when spouses estimated what percentage of housework each performed, the percentages added up to more than 120 percent."  Husband and I are both victims of unconscious overclaiming.  I have tried to become more conscious of the things he does to help run our household, and let him know how appreciative I am of them. Sometimes the are so small, they get taken for granted.

Day 20- Do Someone Else's Task:  I love this resolution, and I have had fun with it since the idea was introduced.  It is such an easy surprise for your loved one, and (for the most part) takes very little time.  Not only does my husband appreciate getting off the hook for little chores (like taking out the trash), I find myself gaining a greater appreciation for his contributions to the running of our household.     

Day 21- Boot Camp Perfect:  This resolution has me trying to do all 20 resolutions at once.  It is not an easy task.  The duration of the original exercise was for one week, but I find myself trying to put them into practice on a regular basis.  Sometimes, I am even successful with it.  It is a work in progress, but I am enjoying the positive changes these resolutions are having on my life.

I would love to hear about your experience with the 21 Day Challenge (or any of Gretchen Rubin's Happiness books).


E said...

Sounds like you got a lot out of it. Congrats on sticking with the challenge!

rooth said...

You know what I realized lately? I'm a steamroller... the bootcamp probably would have helped me realize that a lot sooner but at least I got there eventually?

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Hi, I'm Erin. I am living back on the east coast after 15 years out west. Currently readjusting to humidity and mosquitos. I love to take pictures and read fashion magazines.... and to talk about nothing in particular (ok, and my dogs).

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