Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Springtime is for the Birds

Early Sunday morning, husband heard a loud thump outside our window.  He took a peek outside, and this is what he saw.  We agree that it is some kind of falcon or hawk.  We can't decide on what kind.  It is definitely living in the oak tree in our back yard, and it is making me a little nervous (having two small dogs in the house).  Can you see the size of those talons?

And then I discovered this.  The mama bird  (a tiny little black and white cutie) has been flying back and forth all weekend building her nest above our motion lights. As you can see, it is already starting to become a little messy, and the babies haven't hatched yet.  And I know from previous experience (that involved birds having babies in nests attached to our house) that once they are born, the mess is uncontrollable.  In other words, there will be bird poop everywhere.  Good thing they are cute.

And finally, the first sings of spring at our house always involve tulips, daffodils, and freesia.  The second involves the blooming of our wisteria (biggest picture below) and jasmine (which isn't quite blooming yet, but is smelling up a storm).  Our azaleas are also just about to explode.  I am loving all of this color. Between that and the mild spring temperatures, it makes it almost impossible not to be happy. 

1 comment:

Gabrielle said...

Beautiful flowers! I wish things around here were growing but March and April in Michigan suck. It's always rainy and gloomy and sometimes even snowy. I just want to look outside and see green again! lol.

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Hi, I'm Erin. I am living back on the east coast after 15 years out west. Currently readjusting to humidity and mosquitos. I love to take pictures and read fashion magazines.... and to talk about nothing in particular (ok, and my dogs).

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