Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The House In Lake Tahoe

We are trying to sell our house.  I will tell you more about it once it actually happens (I am superstitious that way), but we did have two open houses this weekend.  We had to get the dogs out of our house in the Bay Area (Meatball is a bit imposing), so we drove up to our family home in Lake Tahoe for a brief respite. We were only there overnight, but it is such a beautiful place, it is worth sharing.

The backyard.
I am pretty sure this is goldenrod.
A place to relax.
The family cabin from the backyard.
Petunia fell asleep at the snack table.
Meatball was worn out from the drive.
We walked the dogs down to the lake.
We refer to Petunia and Harriet as "the twins".
Trying to keep the dogs untangled.
What I actually look like when I am trying to untangle the dogs.
Meatball jumped right in.
Harriet explored all of the things.
And Petunia tried to jump into anything she saw (she does not love nature).
The West Shore Pier in Tahoma.
After the dogs went for a swim.
The best sandwiches in all of Lake Tahoe are at the PDQ in Tahoma (you can thank me later).

Local calls only.
The biggest pine cones I have ever seen.
Roads so rural that people are used to avoiding dogs (and bears) that may be in the road.
The front of the cabin.
My in-law's dog, Carly.
A new cabin being built down the street with an amazing slate roof.


Amy's Fashion Blog said...

Good luck selling your house. Looks like you had a great overnight trip.


rooth said...

Lake Tahoe is gorgeous during the summer and the dogs look like they had a blast. Sweet Meatball in the lake is so adorable

I'm Erin

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Hi, I'm Erin. I am living back on the east coast after 15 years out west. Currently readjusting to humidity and mosquitos. I love to take pictures and read fashion magazines.... and to talk about nothing in particular (ok, and my dogs).

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